Zoom webinar attendee view
Zoom webinar attendee view

zoom webinar attendee view

  • When a panellist receives their invitation, there is an option to save the Zoom event to your calendar, and they will then be able to access the link directly from there (however, the preceding information on the AV start time - the panellist will need to edit the event start time in their calendar to incorporate the AV check) eg if the event starts at 7pm, the invitation will place the event in their calendar with that start time and they need to attend the AV check at 6.30pm.
  • The link is active before the time stated to enable the AV check.
  • The start time on the invitation that each panellist receives to join the Webinar will indicate the start time the event goes live to the public (not the start time of the AV check), this is so that the correct start time for the event is advertised to the audience.
  • We recommend you include a minimum 30-minute AV check prior to the start time of the event, or even a rehearsal in advance of the event, to ensure everything is working correctly.
  • If AV host your event for you they will send you an invitation from a member of the AV team ( with a link to the Zoom session for your event.
  • Please use a Google form or Eventbrite for registrations. Please see IT Service’s Zoom wiki guidance for more details. If you set up your own webinar, it is advised that you do not use 'require registration' when setting up the event.
  • We would recommend booking an AV technician to set up and run a webinar for you.
  • zoom webinar attendee view zoom webinar attendee view

    Cannot see private chat messages between panellists.

    zoom webinar attendee view

    Cannot see any additional panellist boxes that have been muted.Can view panellists who have their cameras and microphones unmuted.Can view messages posted by the panellists in the chat function but they cannot post in the chat (if you set the system up in this way).Can view questions that are made live by panellists.Is the audience of the event and can only access the event via an audience link posted by the co-host or Eventbrite.If cameras and microphones are muted, they can see a grey box with the name of the panellist. Has access to the chat function to communicate with other panellists.Has the ability to mute panellist microphones and cameras.Stays in contact with all other panellists throughout the event and supports them in the event of any technical issues.Can monitor the Q&A to answer any audience queries.A co-host will lead/attend the AV check, ensuring the speaker and chair are briefed on the format of the event, screen-sharing, muting and unmuting cameras and microphones, and managing the Q&A function.Shares the event link with the audience (it is not recommended that Zoom links are shared on open web pages).Is invited to the event via a panellist link from the host.The co-host, usually the event organiser:

    Zoom webinar attendee view