Tor vs vpn dnm
Tor vs vpn dnm

tor vs vpn dnm

When a forum post refers to the use of cryptographic wallets, or when a crypto-currency (mostly Bitcoin) is a focus of the post (but not when it is merely mentioned, such as talking about BTC losses). When a forum posts refers to a DNM’s functionality, appearance or bugs and errors (this can also include suggestions for platform improvements).Īny reference to the use of cryptography. Reference to any member of adminstration or support of a DNM or methods where support may be required to act (such as over user removal, verification, or particular actions to support a user).

tor vs vpn dnm

When a vendor (who is also a user) does not ship a product, does not process a refund, or is a called a scammer by a user. Reference to any individual DNM user or a call for users to conduct research before engaging on a DNM. Reference to any mention of the movement of money, the use of Finalizing Early (FE), and escrow (sometimes escroll) as well as refunds from the DNM (sometimes refund center ). Using a qualitative approach we repeatedly reviewed DNM posts to develop a codebook: a list of descriptive terms that capture the content and themes within the DNM posts.

tor vs vpn dnm

So what advice is there on the various DNMs?

Tor vs vpn dnm